Monday, March 3, 2014

5 months! Another Crazy fast week!

Hey family! So today I hit my 5 month mark on the mission! Sister Brewer wants to go to the cake shop to celebrate, she's always looking for a chance to eat cake. "it's my cousin's friend's birthday, lets go to the cake shop." I can't say I'm mad. 
Before I get into the good stuff, I have a crazy (literally) story for you all. This week we were going to teach this family that we've been teaching for about a month, let's just call them the Brown family. Anyways we've been teaching them for awhile and they have a lot of potential. But as we went to go visit them a grumpy tatay not wearing a shirt comes out of the house and tells us that we can never come back again. When we asked why he told us that Mr. Brown had gone crazy and his siblings found out we were teaching him and are pretty sure we did it. Of course we didn't believe it so we asked him if we could please talk to Mrs. Brown, he told us no and that we needed to be quiet or he would hear us. all of a sudden we hear banging in the house and someone yelling, "SINO IYAN" or who's there?! We look into to she Mrs. Brown trying to hold back Mr. Brown and then he runs up to us and says, "Sisters! May Problema!" Okay now we believed grumpy tatay, we besides the fact that we did that to him.. that's ridiculous. To be honest me and my companion were a bit scared, but before we left we made sure that Mrs. Brown was okay and she just apologized and ran to follow her husband. 
When we left, my companion and I were so sad, we had lost one of our families and frankly had never seen anything like that. After that I told my companion I had an Idea, "Let's teach the Amecays and Reals on the beach." so yes that is exactly what we did. It was amazing. We taught a lesson about the Holy ghost and then just enjoyed the beach! It was so fun, then to top it off we had some fish balls. which are now my new favorite thing. When I first got here I thought they looked and smelt disgusting, but I finally tried it and I LOVE them haha. 

Funny story of the week: Jessa Amecay is 6 years old and probably one of the cutest kids here. The other day while we were teaching the family she put on my name tag and was walking around shaking everyone's hand and saying "Hellllloooo magsimba po kayo!" haha something I say often. I have attached a picture, it is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen! 

yesterday we had interviews with President Barrientos. It was so good! He is so motivating. He talked a lot about obedience and how it's for our investigators not ourselves. He so awesome! and to top it all off, I got my packages and mom you'll probably be receiving some thank you cards, because the elders loved the candy haha. It didn't last 20 minutes. You're awesome! 

On a mission, we study 3 hours a day. 2 hours gospel study and 1 hour language study.  While studying I have just learned so much! It's amazing how everything fits together. There is so much proof the church is true in history, the Bible and of course the Book of Mormon. I often think of ways I could share all of this information with my investigators, but I know I can't. It doesn't help to prove anything, because no matter how much proof you show, sometimes they still have doubts. It's crazy how many miracles I see here and my investigators see too, but sometimes they still don't believe. How is that? How is that in the Book of Mormon Lamen and Lemuel saw an angel, but were still disobedient? 
the reason is simple: miracles don't create faith, they strengthen it.
This is the same reason that before Christ performed miracles he asked the person receiving if they had faith. 
So how is that we have faith? By humbling ourselves enough to act on what we believe. Alma 32:16-18
We must act, because we receive no witness until after a trial of our faith. Either 12:6
I Just love this gospel. I promise this church is true. Trust in that! Thank you for all your love and support! 
"Let's doubt our doubt, before we doubt our faith." President Uchtdorf 
have a great week! Love you all!
Sister Abelhouzen

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