Hey family!
So this week was pretty good, but it just went by so fast It's hard for me
to remember everything that happened. I'll try to do my best!
first off, I'm turning into a filipina. last week I bought a duster... it's
like a night gown that they wear to clean, yeah I know attractive.
This week we had a family home evening and our investigators came, it was
fun and really nice to see how all the ward members really got involved with
fellow shipping our investigators.
Something we've been having a lot of success with is rescuing less active
members! There are a lot of less actives here that still have very strong
testimonies of the church. A lot have been coming to church and it's been
amazing for them to feel that spirit that they've missed for so long! One of our
returning Less actives is actually our ward mission leader... yeah that's not
how that's supposed to work, but it's all good he's active now and has really
started to magnify his calling!
Alright so I have a story that I'm kind of embarrassed to say, but I know
you all will get a good kick out of it. So this week I broke the word of wisdom.
yes I know, but it's not what you're thinking or I wouldn't be here' I'd be
there with you. haha anyways yeah so this week I bought some juice from a ward
member and she just looked at me and said sister, bawal ba iyan. or isn't that
not allowed and I looked at the ingredients apple and green tea. I told her it
was fine and I drank it... later on I was thinking and I asked my companion, she
looked at me and told me uhhh I thought it was bawal. what? I decided I probably
should text and ask president he responded with yes that's bawal... oh no.... I
literally had gone my whole life with thinking green tea was allowed. now, I
was convinced he was going to send me home, but I knew I needed to text him. I
text him and told him that I drank it and this was his response..."hahaha" yes.
I thought he was going to send me home and he is laughing. His next text was
"masarap?" or in english "delicious?" haha seriously?? I just broke the word of
wisdom! He called me later and told me that I was innocent. I just can't do it
anymore. obviously. So there you go, that's my story about how I broke the word
of wisdom on my mission. and green tea is bawal.
The rest of the week was good, we have been finding a lot of great new
people and I think the area is really close to having a lot of success. I also
set a plan of for next week so I'll let you know how that goes (:
I'm glad you all enjoyed conference... unfortunately it's a week late here
in the Philippines. but we did get to watch the womens conference and one of my
favorite talks was about serving the Lord!
I want to challenge you all the be ready to serve the Lord, because you
never know when he'll need you. This Church is true and If we have an eternal
perspective we will understand that our purpose here is not to work or play, but
actually to become like our Savior Jesus Christ. I love you all!
Sister abelhouzen
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