I knew I would be following doctors and helping those in need, but I had no idea that this was going to be life changing experience.
Things you need to know about the Dominican Republic
1. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Growing up in Southern Utah I thought that Northern Utah was green... until I saw this everyday.
2. It is ridiculously humid... I tried straightening my hair a couple times and it was hopeless. It made me appreciate Utah's nice dry heat. If you ever visit, expect hair like this
3. Obviously everyone there speaks Spanish so spruce up the good ol' high school espanol (kay I know that's missing the squiggly thing, but I honestly can't find it anywhere). While visiting, be sure to try your best to learn phrases. The people will be willing to work with you and they'll appreciate your effort.
4. Bugs are friends not food. Totally kidding about the food part… I just wanted to quote Finding Nemo.. All jokes aside this is serious stuff. PLEASE BRING BUG SPRAY (unless you feel that little red itchy dots all over your body are flattering). While on my trip I was constantly drenched in bug spray and I'm proud to say I only got three bug bites and after seeing every body's polka dot legs at the end of the trip, I was quite happy with the turn out (:
5. If you like cold showers, the place is for you.
6. If you like yummy fresh Mexicanish food, the place is for you.
7. For the most part, people are extremely poor. (Poor to us, is filthy rich to them). They literally have nothing, It breaks my heart.
8. Despite their hardships, the people are AMAZING. I've never met more loving, grateful, kind, and giving people. They may not have much, but what they do have they are willing to share.
Like these lovely ladies they brought us all food, food they could have used to feed their families for a couple days. Not to mention it was delicious.
After the clinic days, my group had the opportunity to stay at an amazing resort and while it was incredibly fun to have warm showers and play by the ocean all day, I would have much rather spent that time helping more people.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.
While it may have seemed like I was helping the people of the Dominican Republic, they were helping me in so many ways. Not only was it good preparation for my full time mission, but it taught me how to love others, and cherish the little things and moments in life that we all take for granted.
"Where much is given, much is required!"
P.S. Here is a video I put together of the trip… be warned its not the best quality with bumpy bus rides and most of my footage coming from my iPhone. Hope you enjoy (:
Thanks for sharing with the world both service and lessons learned by your service. You are an inspiration and blessing to all who know you and will get to know you.