Hello My dearest family and friends!
Well I left Claveria Tuesday. It was bittersweet. I love claveria and
really love those people. Monday was FHE at the Curamengs. It was mahirap to say
good bye. Members were crying... man I hate good byes.
When I got to Bacarra... wow what a change, everyone is so rich and soo
ilocano. I have never seen so many nice house my whole mission and I've had to
step up my ilocano came since my companion is no longer an ilocana. It is crazy.
The nice thing is that there are a lot of investigators here. So even though
they're rich they're still willing to listen to the word of God. Now we just
gotta getem' to church (: The Ward seems strong, a lot of good leaders and a lot
of Return missionaries. That makes a big Difference.
My new companion is Sister Lumanog. She's awesome! She's pretty new in the
mission, just finished her 12 week training. She's from Bacolod, Philippines and
is a hard worker! It should be a good transfer!
This week we've just been working hard and meeting all the people here.
Once I get to know them better I'll tell you some awesome stories haha!
This weekend we finally got to see conference! ah! It was amazing! I love
how they are able to speak in their native tongue now. Maybe next year,
I really loved the talks. This time I wrote a bunch of questions on things
that I can do to become a better missionary. They were ALL answered better than
I could have imagined! Our leaders are truly inspired and called of God!
I've grown up always thinking that we live in a generally good
world. You hear stories about bad things people do, but subconsciously I've
always thought that that would never happen to me. or be done by anyone
I know. I guess I was thinking I just lived in a protective bubble where
nothing bad happens around me. I've always heard stores about persecution of the
Church or Truth. They're everywhere, The bible, Book of Mormon, church history,
even other missionaries in our day. I thought yeah people will reject our
message I guess, but I didn't quite understand. It absolutely blew my mind and
still does to this day that people don't want to listen and when they do listen
that they aren't absolutely astonished. I mean this is the truth, Why aren't
people flocking to the baptismal font? Let me put this in terms that we can
understand, well at least us girls. For me, I felt like we are offering people a
100% off sale at H&M, or sportsman warehouse for you guys, I mean
right?? Wouldn't everyone be all over that?! The only thing is, it's way
better than 'clothes' or 'things'. its the truth! The literal way to our
Elder Uchdorfs and many others talks really put it into perspective for me!
Something I remember Jeffrey R Holland Said to missionaries, "How could we ever
expect it to be easy for us, when it was never ever easy for Him. Salvation is
not cheap." What we're offering is not a 100% off sale at H&M, we're
inviting others to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and to know how to return
to our Father in Heaven. But it's not cheap and it most certainly is not free.
We must give everything. The only people that will see that and understand are
those that have truly been prepared by the Lord. To everyone else we're just
another church or another place to go on Sunday. What they don't understand,
this is everything, Everything we are and how we live.
But we can't be discouraged because there are those out there that are
searching, that truly want to know. We just have to find them. and through the
miracles of God, we will!
I love being a missionary!
Sister Abelhouzen
Picture: a part of God's army Bangui Zone.